Message from Director of Nursing

"The foundational philosophy of the Academics Department revolves around fostering students' success by supporting their journey towards becoming academically proficient, clinically skilled, professionally secure, and socially impactful critical thinkers. Our dedicated pursuit of these educational ideals involves a meticulous process of exploring, defining, and refining the most appropriate curriculum for our students. An integral part of our mission involves assessing the outcomes of these efforts, wherein we excel by seamlessly integrating novel insights with traditional methodologies.

We derive immense pride from the accomplishments of our students, staff, and educators alike. Their unwavering dedication serves as the driving force behind our aspiration to create a benevolent academic institution that serves as a beacon of enlightenment. We extend a warm welcome to individuals who approach the profound field of health, healing, nurturing, and nursing with a blend of humility, ardor, and a steadfast commitment to uplift all those they encounter. This commitment is rooted not in skepticism, mistakes, or gimmicks, but rather in genuine care, empathy, and, above all, the principles of sound scientific learning."

Neelam James MSN. RN
Director of Nursing